about TNOS
The Tampa Network Operating System (TNOS) is a
KA9Q compatible multi-tasking TCP/IP environment designed
for use with Amateur Radio.
The current release version is
. The current development
version being alpha tested is
You can find the TNOS weblog and a forum for discussing TNOS
at Brian's "Lantz Web Portal" website
Documentation is available on the following topics.
- TNOS Resources on the WWW
Sites Powered by TNOS, with PBBSs on the Web, and containing TNOS-related information.
- TNOS Features
A short description of TNOS and its feature set.
- What is TNOS?
This is a reprint of a paper printed in the
Proceedings of the 1994 TAPR Annual Meeting, with
some information updated, and provides a brief
introduction to TNOS and its capabilities.
- Current TNOS MAN Page
All of TNOS's command line parameters documented.
- Installation Instructions
Step by step instructions for getting TNOS running.
- Network Information Services
This is a reprint of a paper printed in the
Proceedings of the 12th ARRL Digital
Communications Conference, September 10-11, 1993,
with some information updated, which explains the
TNOS Information Server and introduces the TScript Language.
- The TScript Language
A brief but evolving document describing the
TScript language used by TNOS in the Information
Servers, script command, and mailbox hook
- Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions about TNOS and their answers
- Finding TNOS
TNOS is now a project on SourceForge.
- TNOS Support
Information on TNOS support, including mailing list information
Any questions or bug reports regarding TNOS should go
Last updated: (none)