TNOS Conference Bridge Command Summary
/? Prints a short summary of the available commands
/Help Prints this help information
/Accept Accept an invitation or page
/Bye Terminate the convers session
/CAll callsign Displays callbook information for 'callsign'
/Channel n Switch to channel n
/COlor [on|off] Turns ANSI color graphics on or off (or displays setting)
/CUt Simulates the cutting of a card deck/displays selection
/Exit Terminate the convers session
/Groups List all available groups and nets
/Invite user [msg] Invite a user to join your channel (and send message)
/Join groupname Join (or create) a group named 'groupname'
/Links [LONG] List all connections to other hosts
/Msg user text... Send a private message to user
/Net subcommand Net functions (type "/help net" for a subcommand listing)
/NEWs Prints out the current Conference Bridge 'news'
/NIckname name Set the name you will be identified by
/NONickname Reset nickname to your username
/NOPassword Clear out your current password
/Page user [msg] Page a user to join your channel (and send message)
/PASsword pwd Set your current password
/PErsonal info Allows you to specify some personal info about yourself
/Quit Terminate the convers session
/QUOte Sends host's Quote-of-the-day to the current channel
/Realname [user] List nicknames and realnames of users
/ROll Simulates the rolling of two dice/displays selection
/Send user text... Send a private message to user
/SMiley Displays a random 'smiley' and the meaning of that smiley
/SOunds ON|OFf Turn sounds (bell characters) on or off
/Time Sends host's current time to all on the current channel
/Who [QUICK] List all users and their channel numbers
/WHOIs [user] Gives complete information about a user
/WRite user text... Send a private message to user
* Net Sub-Commands available to all users:
Displays all channels with active Net Sessions
Control Displays identity of Net Control for current channel
Help Displays this list
Question text Queues your question 'text' until Net Control is ready
Recheck Request a recheck from the Net Control
Start topicname Become Net Control of a new Net on current channel
Write text Send private message to current Net Control
* Net Sub-Commands available ONLY to current Net Control:
Assign user Assign 'user' as the new Net Control
Bump user [channel] Bump a disruptive user off net to another channel (or 0)
CLosed Make a Closed Net (others must be invited in)
End Complete a Net Session
Info Listing of current net settings
Log Displays a listing of all current check-ins to all users
Minutes [file] Create a log of Net activity (close log if no 'file')
Nopassword Removes necessity of a password to enter Net Session
Open Make an Open Net (default)
Password pword Set a password required for entry (unless invited in)
Question [*] Deals with the next queued question. '*' is an option:
(?-status, p-previews next, s-skips next, none-displays)
Topic topicname Change the 'topicname' of this Net Session
Any questions or bug reports regarding TNOS should go
Last updated: (none)