Network Information Services - Table 4
- ~l label
define a named label at this point in the script
file, named 'label'.
- ~g label
goto the label line named 'label' and continue with
the script. The named label can be anywhere in the
script file.
- ~q prompt
query the user with the string 'prompt' and '(*y/n)'.
If the user responds with anything other than 'no'
(or 'n'), the query status is set to 'y' (yes). This
status is used by the "~y" and "~n" control lines.
- ~y label
if the query status is set to 'yes' by a "~q" or "~c"
control line, then goto the label line named 'label'
and continue with the script. The named label can
be anywhere in the script file.
- ~n label
if the query status is set to 'no' by a "~q" or "~c"
control line, then goto the label line named 'label'
and continue with the script. The named label can
be anywhere in the script file.
- ~v num prompt
send user 'prompt' string, get response from user,
and assign the response to variable string 'num'.
Table 4 - Query and Flow Control Lines
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